As a creative writing minor, I felt like I needed to do more things in regards to creative writing. I joined the writer’s community at Ball State, and they told us about this shindig. This is my first poetry reading I’ve been too (except for this artist thing cru did where they asked artist and poets to share their views about Christianity), and the last three writers were really good. There was a spoken word poet who was so active on stage. Someone did Blackout poetry and it was pretty cool. I love blackout poetry because it causes you to be more creative because you have limited words.
The photo is of Analesia, a creative writing major at ball state who I had a class with once and who is part of the Writers Community.
I want to become a better creative writer. I think I will submit something to The Broken Plate and read thing at The Writers Community.
And, just because I haven't posted my face in a while, here I am. This awkward myspace photo shows that I still exist.
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