I survived 18 years without a drives license. After getting my license at age 18, I survived another year without a car. Now, with car and license, at the age of 21, I am still getting use to driving.
No, that’s not the word for it. I can drive; I just don’t know where everything is located. But I have been navigating the streets of Indianapolis this summer just fine. (Which mainly involves going to my internship, Going wherever my Internship coordinator sends me off too, maybe going to other locations like Casselton, and avoiding the downtown aria at all cost (too many one way streets!).
But there is one thing I still haven’t been able to manage: The Highway. Not because I’m afraid to drive on the highway, but because, according to my mom, “I don’t have the nerves for it.” As in, she doesn’t have the “nerves” to let me drive on the highway. I’ve tried convincing her to drive on the high way with her in the car with me and she says that would make her nervous as well.
Im assuming she just dosen't want to see this happen

or this

But I think this would most likely happen

I think being able to drive on the highway would be pretty convenient. I would be able to navigate between my university (Ball State) and Indianapolis. I would be able to get places without a 30-minute drive in my not air-conditioned car. (Apparently my air-conditioner was installed backwards, and it cost $2000 to get it turned around. That’s $2000 more than this unpaid summer intern has.)
On one hand, I know that she is my mom and I should respect her highway-limitation. On the other hand, I feel like it’s a bit silly. My goal was that, by the end of this summer, to be able to navigate between ball state and Indianapolis. But sense she isn’t letting me drive on the highway.
I’m not going to drive on the Highway without her okay, but I think I will have to demand it. See if she will let me drive (with her in the car with me) on the highway. And persistently, consistently demand it.
It’s the only way.
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